Machine Learning Consulting

Machine learning (ML) consulting services may include advising on and implementing ML-based software as well as supporting the existing ML initiatives.

With experience in data science and AI since 1989, Evopoint renders a full range of machine learning services to help companies solve business problems with accurate forecasts and predictions, root-cause analysis, (big) data mining and more.

  • 2

    In machine learning consulting

  • 2

    Of experience

  • 3

    Complete projects

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Machine Learning Services

We provide custom application development services to businesses with various software needs.

Computer vision

Is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on the development of algorithms and techniques to enable computers to understand, interpret and analyze images or videos in the same way as a human being would.


It is used to perform tasks such as language recognition and understanding, machine translation, text generation, sentiment analysis, information extraction and many other applications related to text and language processing.

Predictive models

They are built by analyzing patterns, trends and relationships in the available data and then used to make predictions or decisions based on new data.

Your need is not on the list?

No worries, most likely we’ll be able to help! We can start with your specific needs. Let’s discuss your business challenges and desires!


Machine Learning Use Cases We Cover

Supply chain management

Supply chain management

Production efficiency

Production efficiency

Predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance

Operational intelligence

Operational intelligence

Customer analytics

Customer analytics

Financial management

Financial management

Natural language processing

Natural language processing

Computer version

Computer version

Want to discuss your ML solution?

Having years-long practice in machine learning projects, we are eager to share our expert knowledge to help you seamlessly avail ML for the listed cases or your specific area of ML use.


Tools and Technologies

Our software engineers employ the proven combination of the latest and classic trusted technologies, having the following technology stack as the basis:
Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
Azure Databricks
Azure Databricks
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Database
Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics